The Covid – Fish Oil Connection
COVID variants make Fish Oil crucial for healthy immune system function. COVID is a virus we are just going to have to live with per this article from Nature magazine and many others. Studies show that vaccination improves your chances of recovery 11 to 1 — pretty good odds, but even the vaccinated will […]
COVID-19 Vaccine Prep!
I get the question often, “Are you getting the COVID-19 vaccination?” My answer is very affirmative, “Heck yes!” The benefits outweigh the risks, especially the long-term effects for many people, including myself. Even though I had COVID in the fall, with all the uncertainty around the new variants and the possibility to get COVID more […]
Hydroxychloroquine-Magical Elixir?
There is a lot of news speculation on Hydroxychloroquine right now. Does it work? Does it not? Are the risks of serious cardiac complications worth the benefits? Since most of us do not have access to this drug, then the better question is what is its mechanism of action? And do we have something […]